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Integrations [Zipify Pages]

Find out which apps we integrate with and how to enable them!

Jeff Maxfield avatar
Written by Jeff Maxfield
Updated over a week ago


Working with Integrations:

You can find 3rd Party App integrations we've built for the Buy Boxes sections and CRMs in the Settings > Integrations section:Β 

Some integrations require significant changes within the ZP app's snippet files. In order to save you time and effort, we implemented some integrations which only require that you switch them on to have the needed changes automatically added in. ​

Enabling this integration will ensure that your OCU Pre-purchase offers that use the "Product page" location will be shown on your "Full Customization" Product pages and Landing Pages built in the Zipify Pages. The integration also ensures that ZP "dynamic discounts" applied in Buy Boxes will be passed to Checkout correctly.

*Important notes:

  • Both the ZP "dynamic" discount and OCU pre-purchase fixed amount/percentage discount can be applied to the same order. ZP "dynamic" discounts work with OCU draft orders, which are used for applying OCU pre-purchase discounts at Checkout.
    πŸ“ To have both discounts pass to checkout correctly, set the ATC button on your Zipify Page to "Checkout" and use the "Product page" location for your OCU pre-purchase offer.

  • All Buy Boxes except the "Mix-and-Match Bundle" and "Collection Section" will initiate the popup on Landing pages.

  • If a customer adds a product with a ZP "dynamic" discount on the Home or Landing page and after that, adds the same product from an OCU pre-purchase popup without a discount, then the ZP discount will be applied to both items at Checkout.

  • If the Buy Box button destination is set to "Cart" in the ZP app, then the OCU Skip Cart setting will be ignored (if enabled).

This integration should only be enabled if you have the Trackify app installed on your store. Follow the Trackify app’s manual and only specify your Facebook Pixel ID within the Trackify app, removing it from Online Store > Preferences of your Shopify admin and/or from your store's theme should it be added there. More details can be found here:
πŸ“ If you are using TrackifyX you do not need to activate this integration. It will work automatically as long as you've placed the Trackify code in the "Additional Google Analytics Javascript" field at Online Store > Preferences > Google Analytics within your Shopify admin. More details

Enabling this integration has the "Auto switch by customer location" feature for the BEST Currency Converter app work for the dynamic prices in Buy Boxes sections. This feature is only available in their "Elite" plan.

With the integration enabled, the dynamic prices in the Buy Box sections will auto-convert to the local currency of the page visitor when the page is loaded/viewed.

Enable this integration to have the Buy Boxes work with additional product options configured within the Product Options app. Due to the way this application functions, the only way to transfer additional options to the checkout is when the Buy Box button destination is set to β€œCart”. No additional options will be transferred if any other Button Destination option is chosen.

Quantity Breaks by Bold

Enable this integration to have the Buy Boxes work with the tiered pricing configured within the Quantity Breaks app. Β Due to the way this application functions, the only way to transfer the correct Price Levels to the checkout is when the Buy Box button destination is set to β€œCart”. No Price Levels will be transferred correctly if any other Button Destination option is chosen.
- This integration works for the legacy version of Quantity Breaks only, which is no longer available to install on new stores. If your Theme has the file bold-pr.liquid then this integration will not work.
- If you use the "Variant Dependent Method", only use the +1 product variant in Buy Boxes, otherwise the quantity discount will not apply correctly.

Enabling this integration will allow you to use Bold Subscription products in Zipify Pages Buy Boxes. The integration is for the new Bold Subscriptions app which works on Shopify Checkout and not for the Legacy version which uses Bold Checkout.
The Bold Subscription widget will be applied to all "Buy Boxes" category sections except the "Recharge Subscription" and the "Collections" sections.

*Important Notes:

  • The Bold Subscriptions Liquid, JS and CSS files must be installed within your Theme in order for the integration to work.
    ​bsub-widget.liquid and bsub-cart.liquid
    ​​bsub.js and bsub.css
    ​*Name the bsub.css file bsub.scss.css instead so it can work correctly with our integration.
    πŸ“Refer to Bold's help documentation here for the details and code.
    In this line of the bsub.js file code, ensure that the > operator is included after a.value
    It is currently missing from Bold's documentation above, so needs to be manually added to this line in that file for the widget to display correctly:


  • The Buy Box button destination needs to be set to either "Cart" or "Checkout" for the subscriptions widget to be included on the published page.

  • The "Variant Selector" product element must be included in the Product section in order for the Recharge subscriptions widget to render on the published page, even if the product has no variants.

  • The integration only works for the main product in the Buy Box and not for product(s) included in the the cross-sell element.

  • Dynamic Discounts (fixed amount / percentage) included in Zipify Pages don't work if the product featured in the Buy Box has either "Subscription only" or "Pre-paid subscription only" types. They only work if the product is set as "One-time purchase & Subscription" in the Bold app.​

Enabling this integration will allow you to use Recharge Subscription products in Zipify Pages Buy Boxes. The integration is for the "Shopify Checkout Integration" version which works on the Shopify Checkout and not for the "Recharge Checkout on Shopify" version. More details

*Important Notes:

  • The Buy Box button destination needs to be set to either "Cart" or "Checkout" for the subscriptions widget to be included on the published page.

  • The ReCharge subscription widget is added automatically to the Product Section included on "Full Customization" Product pages, without needing to enable the integration. It will also work automatically on any other Buy Box section that may be included on the Product page.
    However, we still recommend enabling the integration to ensure it works correctly and so the subscription widget can be shown for Buy Boxes included on Landing pages.

  • The "Variant Selector" product element must be included in the Product section in order for the Recharge subscriptions widget to render on the published page, even if the product has no variants.

  • The integration only works for the main product in the Buy Box and not for product(s) included in the the cross-sell element.

  • Dynamic Discounts (fixed amount / percentage) included in Zipify Pages don't work if the product featured in the Buy Box has either "Subscription only" or "Pre-paid subscription only" types. They only work if the product is set as "One-time purchase & Subscription" in the Recharge app.

  • The Recharge Subscription widget will be applied to all "Buy Boxes" sections except the "Collections" section.

⚠️ If you have previously added code into each Buy Box snippet file to make the "Recharge Checkout on Shopify" version work with our Buy Boxes as mentioned here and want to switch to the "Shopify Checkout Integration" version, you must remove that code from each Buy Box snippet file before enabling this integration.

Enabling this integration adds the Shop Pay Installments widget to the Buy Boxes sections (excluding "Best Value Offer" sections), to let customers know about calculated Shop Pay Installments payment amounts.

To use Shop Pay Installments, you need to be based in the United States, selling in USD, and have both Shopify Payments and Shop Pay activated. You can access Shop Pay Installments in the Shopify Payments settings on your store's Payments page.

Note: Set the Button Destination to either "Cart" or "Checkout" to ensure the Shop Pay Installments widget will be displayed.

Easily add minimal shoppable Instagram feeds to your store exactly as you wish. You can also create feeds by uploading your own files. Displaying feeds with engaging content such as photos, videos and Reels on your store can help you build social proof and drive sales.

To add this integration widget to your Zipify Pages, select the "Instafeed" element from the "Integrations" category of the elements popup in the builder:

πŸ“A placeholder will be shown in the builder, the widget will only render correctly when viewed on the published page. To use this integration element successfully, you must have the Instafeed ‑ Instagram Feed app already installed, configured and enabled in your Shopify admin.

With the Shoppable Instagram Feed app by Vitals, you can build social proof by displaying a gallery of Instagram posts with tagged products. Your customers will get a chance to see your Instagram posts and easily connect with you or choose to shop for some products that caught their eye.

To add this integration widget to your Zipify Pages, select the "Vitals Insta Feed" element from the "Integrations" category of the elements popup in the builder:

πŸ“A placeholder will be shown in the builder, the widget will only render correctly when viewed on the published page. To use this integration element successfully, you must have the Shoppable Instagram Feed app configured and enabled within the Vitals app.

(Enable in the Settings > CRMs section)
Enabling this integration (by connecting your GTW account) adds the option to optin forms in ZP to also add the optin to your GoToWebinar account and to register them for a specific webinar.Β 

Miscellaneous Integrations

Below you can find a list of other integrations (updated regularly) for the Zipify Pages app, segmented into sections based on what they're used for and how to enable them:


Native Shopify Facebook Pixel ID
Google Analytics
Google AdWords

Mail Systems / CRMs:



General Shopify Apps:

Shopify Product Reviews ("Plugins" page section)
YotPo Reviews ("Plugins" page section) Reviews ("Plugins" page section)
Loox Reviews ("Plugins" page section)
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Live Chat by Zotabox
McAfee Secure
Currency Converter+
Coin Currency Converter


Facebook Comments ("Plugins" page section)
Disqus Comments ("Plugins" page section)

By adding code through the Scripts section:


By modifying ZP snippet files within your theme:

ReCharge Subscriptions (Legacy)
Product Customizer

Some other app integrations begin to work only when the "Use theme header/footer" feature is enabled for the page. This is because when that feature is enabled, code from your theme.liquid Β file is being included for the page. To have those integrations work on your ZP pages which don't use the theme header/footer feature, you will need to find the responsible code and manually add it to the page.zipifypages.liquid file as well. This file can be found at Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code > Templates in your Shopify admin.Β 

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