The main purpose of the Best Value Offer section is to show your visitors the cost benefit of purchasing product multi-packs compared to just a single unit. Use this section to compare prices for 1, 2 and 3 units for example.
The Best Value Offer section can be found in the "Products" category of the page sections library:
Adding Products to the Section
After you add the Best Value Offer section to your page, click on the "Product" element within each column to open the product settings in the sidebar:
Click the "Add Product" button to select the product you'd like used in the column from the popup, then click the Save button:
Once the product has been added, additional options and settings become available in the sidebar. There you can edit and configure the following for the product element:
Click the "Change Product" button to select a different product
Click the "Choose Variants" button to select a specific variant(s) to use
Set a Discount for the product using the "Product Discount" dropdown and settings
Set a Default Product Quantity for the product
There is also an additional Layout you can use for the product element in the "Layout" tab of the sidebar settings:
Add a Featured Image
To add a featured image for each product, click on the "Product Image" element which will open the image settings in the sidebar:
There you can set and adjust the following:
The "Default Product Image" setting. Options available include:
Custom - click the "Choose Image" button to add an image from the Image Library.
Shopify Variant Image - dynamically pulls in the Shopify product variant image
Shopify Product Image - dynamically pulls in the Shopify featured product image
Set Alt Text for the image for SEO purposes
Set a Destination option for the image. By default the image inherits the same destination as the button. To use a different destination, uncheck the "Inherit from Button" box and select a new option from the dropdown menu.
Set a Hover State for the image
Enable/Disable the "Badge" setting to add an editable badge element over the image:
Editing the Price Element
The "Price" element is editable by clicking on the element to access the settings in the sidebar. There you can enable/disable certain pricing elements from being included. You can also choose to show the prices in a Vertical or Horizontal layout: