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Working with the Post-Purchase Offer Page Editor [OCU]

Learn all about working with the Post-Purchase Offer Page Editor so you can create high-converting offers!

Jeff Maxfield avatar
Written by Jeff Maxfield
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article goes over the single post-purchase offer editor. Most of these details will apply to the multi-offers as well, but if you want to learn more about working with the post-purchase multi-product offer, click here.


The Post-purchase Offer Page Editor is where you configure the settings for the product you want to be used as the post-purchase upsell/downsell offer, any discount or extra shipping you'd like applied to your offer as well as the overall content and appearance of the post-purchase offer page that is presented to your customers.

Accessing the Post-Purchase Offer Editor

To access the offer page editor for a post-purchase offer you've added to a funnel:

  1. From the Dashboard screen (home), click into the "Funnels" section.

  2. Click on the name of the funnel that contains your offer that you'd like to edit which will take you to the Funnel Builder page:

  3. In the Funnel Builder, either click on the post-purchase offer card (1) or on the "edit offer" button (2) for the offer you'd like to edit:

  4. You will then be launched into the Post-purchase offer page editor to start editing your offer.

Display Offer Settings

Use the options in the "Display Offer" tab to customize your offer display based on conditions and easily manage subscription settings for purchased products.

◼️ Hide offer if upsell product is purchased at Checkout - This is a conditional setting telling this offer page to not show if the customer has already purchased the same item at checkout. If you enable this setting, you will also have 2 different Quantity conditions available to choose from:

  • In any quantity - Hides the upsell from showing if any quantity of the same product is purchased at checkout.

  • In quantity of more than - Hides the upsell from showing if the quantity purchased is greater than the number you set.

Important Notes:

  • This setting is Product-specific and not Variant-specific I.e. it applies to the Product including all variants of that product. Don't enable this setting if you will be upselling more of the same product as the trigger product.

  • If you've enabled this setting for Post-purchase Upsell 1 in the funnel, Post-purchase Upsell 2 will be shown instead and not the Downsell offer.

◼️ Hide offer if order has subscription products - This is a conditional setting telling this offer page to not show if the customer has purchased any subscription product(s) at checkout.

If the offer product is a supported "One-time and Subscription" product, then the following additional options will also be available:

◼️ Allow subscription option - For a product that has both "One-time and Subscription" options, enable this toggle to allow the offer product to be purchased as a subscription. Enabled by default for "subscription only" products.

◼️ Offer subscription only, if product initially purchased as a one-time - If the product has both "One-time and Subscription" options, enabling this toggle will offer only the subscription option as the upsell.

Working with the Editor

The post-purchase offer page editor is designed to be intuitive and easy to use so you can start making offers in no time!

Editing Content

To edit text content, just hover over a text element in the editor. When you see the blue highlight simply click to edit that specific element using the handy inline text editor:

To import your product description from Shopify into the product description field, click on the description and then on the "Import product description from Shopify" button in the text editor toolbar:

To keep the product description text up-to-date automatically when the description is changed in Shopify, use the {{ product_description }} variable in the description field. When included, OCU will track any changes made to the product description in Shopify and dynamically update it for OCU offers.

Similarly, click on any section in the left sidebar menu to open the corresponding section of the page for editing:

The ideal image size for the Content 1 / 2 sections is 450 x 450 px. Larger images added are automatically compressed down to that size.

Countdown Timer

A 3/5/10-minute Countdown Timer can be enabled/disabled in the "Incentive 1" section of the builder. The timer in the "Incentive 1" section is enabled by default.

📝If the timer expires on the live post-purchase offer page, the offer will expire, the customer will be auto-redirected to the Shopify TY Page and no further post-purchase offers will be shown. If you disable the timer, the offer and all remaining post-purchase offers will expire after 10 minutes instead.

Using Shortcodes

Shortcodes are dynamic variables that can be used to display certain text in your page content. The following shortcodes work for the text content within any editable text field of the post-purchase offer editor:

  • {{ product_title }}

  • {{ product_description }}

  • {{ product_price_was }}

  • {{ product_price_now }}

  • {{ discount }}

  • {{ quantity }}

  • {{ shipping }}

  • {{ total }}

Section Visibility

All offer page Sections have a "Visibility" setting with the exception to BUY BOX 1 which is required to be used for the page.

To make a hidden section visible or to hide a currently visible section, simply click into the section and click the "Visibility" toggle to the ON/OFF position:

Hidden sections will have the crossed-out eye icon on them indicating the section is currently hidden from showing.

The BUY BOX 1 Section

To edit the offer (discount, shipping, etc.) open the BUY BOX 1 section in the sidebar.

There you can set the following for your offer:

◼️ Star Rating - Toggle the "Star Rating" element on/off to show a star rating below the product title. The Star Value (1 - 5) can be adjusted from the sidebar to match your product rating:

The "Filled Star Color" setting offers a selection of preset colors for styling the star rating element:

There is also a "Star Rating Text" toggle that can be enabled to add additional text next to the star value:

◼️ Variants - Choose which variant(s) of the product you want to offer.

If only one variant is selected for use as the offer, a "Hide Variant Selector" switcher becomes available. Enable it to hide the variant selector from showing on the offer page.

Autoselect variant - When enabled, the product's first variant will be autoselected if it has multiple variants. When disabled, no variant will be autoselected. The customer will need to manually select a variant on the live offer page.

◼️ Hero Section - Choose the image setting you'd like used for the product. Options available are:

  • Single Image - Pulls the main/featured image only from the product listing in Shopify admin. Variant images will also be displayed dynamically when a product variant is selected.

  • Custom Image - Allows for a custom image to be added by clicking the "Choose Image" button and uploading the file from your computer.
    📝Max file size is 5Mb. Supported file formats are jpg, jpeg, gif, png, jfif, & webp

  • Image Carousel - Pulls all images from the product listing in Shopify admin. Variant images will also be displayed dynamically when a product variant is selected.

  • Image Border - Enable this toggle to add a small border around the hero section image container.

With the Image Carousel option, you're able to choose which images you want used in the carousel via the "Image Gallery" button:

📝If you change the product variant image(s) to new one(s) in the "Products" section of your Shopify admin, then you should unselect the old image(s) on the “Image Gallery” popup, in order to show only relevant product variant image(s).

◼️ Discount - Choose the Discount you'd like to offer. 4 options are available:

  • None - no discount, use full product price.

  • Percentage - enter in the % off you'd like to offer the product at.

  • Fixed amount - enter the $ amount off you'd like to offer the product at.

  • Compare at price - uses the "Compare at price" you've set for your product in Shopify admin. *Note: This discount option does not actually discount your product price like percentage and fixed amount do.

Discounts applied for Percentage and Fixed amount are based on the product "Price" set in Shopify admin, not the "Compare at price".

◼️ Savings Label - If a discount has been added, enable this setting to add a "savings label" to your page, indicating to the customer the deal they are getting.

Savings Label Decorator:

This decorator uses the font family and font size from the “was” price. The savings label decorator has an input field limited to 30 symbols, bold style control, black color swatch, and green color swatch. Black color is selected by default.

◼️ Shipping - Choose whether or not to charge extra shipping for the offer. The options available are Free Shipping or Charge for Shipping.

If "Free Shipping" is chosen, it's recommended to enable the "Hide shipping line if shipping amount is 0.00" setting, to hide the Shipping line from showing altogether. Otherwise, some customers may get confused and think they are receiving free shipping for the entire order, instead of only for the particular upsell offer.

If "Charge for Shipping" is chosen, then the following options become available:

  • Charge per unit - Enable (default) if you want the shipping amount you set to be charged for each unit that the customer adds to their order.
    Disable if you want the shipping amount you set to be charged, regardless of how many units the customer adds to their order.

  • Default Shipping Rate - Enter the exact amount of additional shipping you'd like to charge for the offer by default. This rate will apply to all countries where no specific shipping rate has been added in the "Advanced Shipping Rates" section.

  • Advanced Shipping Rate - Set different shipping rates for different countries or groups of countries (shipping zones). More details are below.

  • Shipping Rate Title - Set the Title you want to be displayed for the additional upsell offer Shipping on the Shopify Order confirmation page and in the details of the Order in Shopify admin.

*Shipping Rate Title example on Order details in Shopify admin:

◼️ Predefined Quantity:

Use the "Predefined Quantity" setting to pre-set the quantity you'd like offered instead of the default (1 unit). If enabled, the customer won't be able to change the quantity set by you on the offer page.
📝Helpful for making bundle/multi-pack offers for example.

◼️ Hide Quantity Selector:

Enable this setting if you don't want the Quantity selector to be shown or used for the page.
📝Enable it if you predefine the quantity to > 1 unit for example.

◼️ Bottom Divider - Enable this setting to add a bottom divider to the Buy Box section, to help distinguish it from the rest of the page if you'll be adding more content below.

◼️ Payment Disclaimer - Enable this setting to add a text field below the "Pay now" button to further inform your customers about payment for the offer. Default text is: "You will be charged immediately"

The text can be edited by clicking on the element in the builder. A maximum of 50 characters can be added

◼️ Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Text & Image - Enable the USP Text and/or USP Image toggles to add additional elements below the "Decline offer" button:

USP Text is editable by clicking directly on the element in the builder:

USP Image can be changed to a different one by clicking the 🗑️ icon to delete it, then on the "Choose Image" button to upload a new one from your computer. Recommended image size is 435 x 56 px.

AI Writing Component

An "AI Writing" functionality is available in the inline text editor for the Product Description and Content 1 and 2 sections:

This is an advanced feature that harnesses the power of AI to generate compelling and engaging product description and content copy for your offers. With the AI Writing functionality, you can effortlessly produce high-quality copy that resonates with your audience, effectively captures their attention, and motivates them to buy.

Just click on the "AI Writing" button to open the generator where you can choose the Tone (1), enter a Prompt (2) and then click the "Generate" button (3) to generate the copy:

📝 You can also check the "Reference Content" checkbox if you'd like the generated copy to reference the page content when generating the response. A maximum of 1,000 characters can be entered into the prompt field at a time.

After the initial response has been generated, you can ask the AI to:

  1. Rewrite it, Shorten it, make it Longer or Simplify (1) using the available options.

  2. Change the Tone (2) of the response from the options available in the dropdown menu.

  3. Start a New Prompt (3).

  4. Insert (4) the generated copy if you're happy with it.

  5. Rate the generated response (5) to help train the AI to your preferences.

Advanced Shipping Rates

The "Advanced Shipping Rates" feature gives the ability to set different shipping rates for different countries or groups of countries (shipping zones) for the post-purchase offer.

Click the "Advanced Shipping Rates" button to open a popup where you can add additional country-specific rates. There you can see the default shipping rate (1) and a ➕ button (2).

Click the ➕ button and a new shipping rate section will appear where you can add an additional rate. A delete rate button (1), a searchable "Select Country(s)" dropdown menu (2) and a rate input field (3) will be available for each new section added:

The country selector allows for selecting individual countries one by one or entire continents (Europe, Asia, etc) so an entire batch of countries can be selected at once:

A specific country can't be selected for two different shipping rates. If you select a country for one shipping rate, it won’t appear in the selector for another shipping rate.

If needed, you can delete the shipping rate (1) or a specific country within the shipping rate you've added (2).

Don't forget to click the Save button save your shipping rates and to exit the "Advanced Shipping Rates" popup:

Offer Page Styles

Because the one click post-purchase upsell offer is designed to be a continuation of the Checkout process, styles for the page (text color, font family, page background color, button color), etc. will all be inherited from your Shopify Checkout page automatically.

Those styles can be found in your Theme Editor by going to Online Stores > Themes > Customize > Theme settings > Checkout and new customer accounts (at the top of the page) in your Shopify admin.

For other element styles that will also be inherited, refer to the Page Styles Inheritance table below:

Page Elements

Theme Settings

Font color

Can NOT be set manually. Shopify automatically sets a contrast to the background color.


Checkout > BANNER image


Checkout > LOGO image

Logo size

Checkout > LOGO > Logo Size

Whole page background

Checkout > MAIN CONTENT AREA background color. Image is not inherited.

Headline (callout banner)

Checkout > ORDER SUMMARY background color. Image is not inherited.

Form elements accent color

Checkout > COLORS Accents color


Checkout > COLORS Accents color

Form errors

Checkout > COLORS Errors color


Checkout > COLORS Buttons color

"Pay now" Button text

Settings > Checkout > Checkout language > "Pay now" button text


Store Settings > Legal

The Header on the offer page(s) will be inherited from the Checkout section of the Shopify Theme Editor as well. The header will be displayed on the View mode and Preview on Store, but won’t be displayed in the in-app Editor.

The Footer on the offer page(s) will be inherited in the Checkout section of the Shopify Theme Editor as well. The footer will be displayed on the View mode and Preview on Store, but won’t be displayed in the in-app Editor.

Previewing your Offer Page

The post-purchase offer page editor has built-in preview modes for Desktop/Tablet/Mobile, so you can see how your offer will be displayed on all different devices.

Once you're done previewing, click the " < Back To Editor" link to continue editing.

There is also a "Preview on Store" button you can click to see a URL Preview of your offer page opened in a new window. This is the best way to view how your offer page will actually be presented in most cases.

You can also share this preview URL with your designer or anyone else you'd like so they can view the preview and give editing tips and suggestions for improvement.

The preview URL will look like this for example:

📝Certain functions like Tax calculation (if applicable) and the "Pay Now / Decline Offer" buttons only function correctly on the actual LIVE post-purchase offer page(s) presented to your customers after they checkout. They don't work correctly in Preview mode.

Saving your Offer Page

Once you've completed editing your offer and the page to your liking, don't forget to click the "Save" button to save your changes:

If this button is not clicked before exiting the editing session (or refreshing the page) then your work will not be saved and you will need to re-do it.

If you really like the offer page you've just created and want to have it be the default for new offer pages you add to funnels, click the "Save as Default" button and the current page will be the new default:

Below is the list of all settings that are saved/not saved to defaults:


Save as default

HEADLINE section

Enable Section


Fixed Layout


Timer Countdown


BUY BOXES section

Star Rating


Offer Description




Hide Variant Selector




Discount value


Savings Label




Shipping Amount


Charge per unit


Shipping Title


Hide shipping line if the shipping amount is 0.00


Hide Quantity Selector


Predefined Quantity


number input


Hide offer if upsell product is purchased at Checkout




number input


Image Border



Headline Heading


Headline Body


Offer Description



Savings Label



Countdown Size


Best Practices:

  • Discount! We recommend a 10-30% discount for any Post-Purchase and TY page offer.

  • Offer more of what they just bought. This works best with Post-Purchase 1 click upsells and a discount.

  • Not sure? Split-test all your offers in each funnel!

Please reach out to us in chat if you have any questions at all!

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