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Placing a Live Test Order [OCU]

Find out how to properly test your upsell offer flow on Shopify Checkout!

Jeff Maxfield avatar
Written by Jeff Maxfield
Updated over 2 months ago

Place a LIVE Test Order

Something we recommend all new OCU users to do is to run at least one LIVE test order on Shopify Checkout to test out the upsell flow. Running a couple of test orders is going to help you know exactly how the app will present the pre-purchase, post-purchase, and ty page offers and to see if any issues arise.

๐Ÿ“If you've installed Zipify OneClickUpsell on or after June 21st, 2021 you will be required to select "One Click Upsell - Zipify OCU" as your active post-purchase app in your Shopify admin "Checkout" settings before we're able to show one-click post-purchase offers to your customers. More details here

To do that, follow the quick and easy steps below:

1. Navigate to one of your OCU Trigger Product pages on your Shopify storefront.

2. Click the "Add to Cart" or "Buy Now" button on the Product page.

  • If "Add to Cart" is clicked, you will be directed to the Cart Page (/cart) if your Theme uses "Cart Page" as the cart setting. Otherwise, click the "Checkout" button from your AJAX Cart that shows directly on your Product page.

  • If "Buy Now" is clicked, you will be directed to the Shopify Checkout and no pre-purchase offer will be shown.

3. If you go to the Cart Page and your Trigger Product has a pre-purchase offer associated with it, the offer will be triggered when the "Checkout" button is clicked. Otherwise, it will be triggered when the "Checkout" button is clicked from your AJAX Cart.
Add the pre-purchase offer to your order (if applicable) and you'll be directed to the Shopify Checkout.

4. Once on the Shopify Checkout, fill out the Customer information and Shipping steps of checkout. When the Payment step is reached, enter your Credit Card information into the Credit Card field available there and click the "Pay now" button. As of May 20th, 2021 you can also use the Shop Pay digital wallet payment method as well. PayPal Express is also supported as of June 23rd, 2021.
โ€‹โš ๏ธTest purchases conducted outside of the Free Trial period will count towards upsell revenue, so we recommend discounting the offer when testing to minimize associated fees. Keep in mind it is important to make a payment of at least $0.50 (either product or shipping) for the initial checkout purchase in order to see the post-purchase upsell sequence. Otherwise, post-purchase offers will be skipped and you'll be directed to the Shopify Order Confirmation page.

โš ๏ธYou must pay for the order in the same currency you've set for your Store currency in Shopify admin (Settings > General > Store currency). Post-purchase offers will not be shown for orders that use multi-currency.

5. Your initial order will be completed (including any pre-purchase offer added) and you'll be immediately redirected to the Upsell 1 one click post-purchase offer page.

Click the "Pay now ยท $XX.XX" button to add the offer to your order. You will then be redirected to the Upsell 2 post-purchase offer page or to the Shopify Order Confirmation page if Upsell 2 is not included in the funnel.

โš ๏ธPost-purchase offers that have a price range from 0.1 - 0.49 in whichever currency your store uses are not able to be bought (the price must be .50 minimum). However, Free post-purchase offers are able to be added to the Order.

Top Reasons why no Post-Purchase Offers show

Currently, one click post-purchase offers will only be shown if the order is paid for using a Credit Card, by entering the CC information into the CC field at the Payment step of Shopify Checkout or using the Shop Pay or PayPal Express digital wallet payment methods.

If you noticed a trigger product was purchased and the OCU post-purchase offer(s) did not show to that customer, here are some common possible reasons related to Shopify API limitations that may cause this issue:

  1. You don't have "One Click Upsell - Zipify OCU" set as your active post-purchase app in your Shopify admin "Checkout" settings. More details here

  2. A currency other than the main currency of the store is used for the order. If the order uses multi-currency functionality, no post-purchase offers will be shown.

  3. If the original purchase is for $0 (โ€œfreeโ€ checkouts), post-purchase offers will be skipped.

  4. The original purchase was paid for entirely using a Shopify Gift Card.

  5. The original purchase was paid for entirely using a "manual" payment option like Cash on Delivery (COD).

  6. The original purchase was made with either Local Delivery or Local Pickup delivery methods.

  7. The original purchase was paid for entirely using a "Digital Wallet" other than Shop Pay or PayPal Express (Amazon Pay / Apple Pay / G-Pay, etc)

  8. Cases where Shopify doesn't have a vaulted Credit Card from the customer on-hand and the original checkout is entirely paid for using a different payment method.

  9. Shopify has not vaulted the customer's credit card information in time before the post-purchase offer page is reached. Shopify is aware of this issue and is looking into a solution to handle this situation without slowing down the customer experience which is their top priority.

๐Ÿ“ These Shopify API limitations apply to every post-purchase upsell in the Shopify App Store, there are no exceptions.

For more details on how OCU works with your Shopify Orders, please see the information in our help article:

Top Reasons why no Thank You Page Offer shows

  1. Multi-currency orders are not supported on the legacy version of the TY Page offer which uses script tags. When a customer pays for their order in a currency that is different from the storeโ€™s main currency, the TY page offer will not be shown due to Shopify API limitations.
    ๐Ÿ“ The updated extensibility version of the Thank You Page offer now supports multi-currency checkouts! This ensures that customers placing orders in a currency other than your Shopify store's default currency will still see the offer.

  2. iDeal, Bancontact or any other 3rd party offsite payment processor which doesn't redirect back to the Shopify Order Status Page is used. Customers will be navigated to a 3rd party site to complete their purchase and are not always redirected back to the Order Status page where the TY Page offer is located.

  3. The TY Page Offer will only be shown if the Order Status is "Open" (not Cancelled or Archived) and the Fulfilment Status is "Unfulfilled" when the Order Confirmation page loads.
    โ€‹๐Ÿ“The offer will still appear for orders containing only digital products, even if they are fulfilled. However, once the order's Fulfillment Status is marked as "Fulfilled," it will be locked for editing, and the offer cannot be added.

  4. If the "Local Delivery" Shipping method is used by the customer at Checkout, due to a current Shopify API limitation the TY page Offer won't be shown for such checkouts.

  5. When all products in the original order are digital, the TY Page Offer will not be shown if it's a physical product because no shipping info was added to the original order, which is necessary to ship a physical product.

  6. The TY Page Offer is not able to be added to archived orders in Shopify since OCU has no access to those orders via Shopify's API. If you have the "Automatically archive the order" option enabled in Shopify settings at Settings > Checkout > Order processing, your customers won't be able to add the offer if the order has already been archived.

Please reach out to us in support if you have any questions we can help with!

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