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Pre-purchase: "Same Product as added to cart" [OCU]

Learn about the dynamic "Same product as added to cart" pre-purchase offer type!

Jeff Maxfield avatar
Written by Jeff Maxfield
Updated over a week ago


The "Same product as added to cart" option for pre-purchase offers is a dynamic offer type. This dynamic offer type is available for both "Add to Cart" and "Upgrade Cart" Pre-purchase offer types:

For the "Add to Cart" offer option, the customer will automatically be presented with either the same product / same variant or same product / different variant they've already added to cart.
For the "Upgrade Cart" option, the customer will automatically be presented with the same product, but different variant.

This is a great option for merchants who want to upsell the same product that has already been added to cart and don't want to create a separate funnel for every product in the store in order to do that.

Based on the trigger product(s) set for the funnel, OCU tracks which product is placed in the customer cart and offers the same product as an upsell. So for every specific customer cart, the offer product will be different.

Trigger Conditions

The "Same product as added to cart" dynamic offer works with all Trigger conditions available for OCU funnels!

Offer Popup Editor

When adding the "Same product as added to cart" pre-purchase offer type to the funnel, the popup editor will include a new layout and new set of functionality. The offer can be edited using the dropdown menu sections available in the left sidebar:

By default, you will see a product placeholder on the offer preview since the offer is dynamic and yet to be determined. To see an actual product in the preview instead, click into the preview mode (1) and then on the "Select real product for preview" link (2) to select a product to use for the preview:


In the General section you can configure the following options and styles:

  1. The Font Family and Font Color you want to be used for text on your offer popup. It's an easy option to change the font and color of almost all text elements in one click (excluding the countdown timer and savings label).​

    πŸ“The font type for a particular line on the popup is able to be changed from the default font family via the inline Text Editor if desired.

  2. The Background Color of the entire popup.

  3. The Selectors Color applies to borders and icons/buttons of variant and quantity selectors (as well as dropdowns in the subscription section, if any).

  4. The Elements Color applies to the "X" close button, dividers, elements in the image carousel (image border and arrows) for the "Add to Order" (single) offer and arrows between images in the "Upgrade" offer, where applicable.


In the Incentive section, you can enable/disable the Timer section (1), set the Time Limit for the timer (2) and the Background Color of the timer section (3):

Buy Box

In the Buy Box section, the general options and settings are the same as the single product pre-purchase offer. However, new settings become available for Dynamic offers:

  • Offer Product:
    ​‒ "Same Variant" - shows the same product and same variant as the offer
    ​‒ "Different Variant" - shows the same product, but different variant as the offer

  • Display Offer: Allows you to set the condition for which product from the cart an offer will be displayed, if the cart contains multiple products.
    ​‒ For random product in the cart
    ​‒ For the most expensive product in the cart
    ​‒ For the least expensive product in the cart

  • Discount: only a percentage discount value can be applied for dynamic offers

If "Different Variant" is selected as the Offer Product, then click on the "Variant Settings" button where you can define if / then logic to determine which specific variant will be shown as the offer:

The values entered must be the same exact values of your product's variant type and variant values as set in your Shopify admin's "Products" section:


In the Buttons section, you can set the Accept (1) and Decline (2) button color and hover state color:

Split Tests

For the "Same variant" offer type there is the ability to create a Split Test with dynamic products. You will be able to:

  1. Run split tests with 2 dynamic upsells (A and B)

  2. Run split tests with dynamic products and general product, single or multiple

  3. Run split test with dynamic and upgrade offers

Split test functionality itself remains unchanged from the current one available within the OCU app.

Upgrade Cart

The "Upgrade Cart" dynamic offer is a great option for merchants who want to create one funnel and offer the same product, but a different variant (e.g. Size, Fit, Color, etc).

Example: If any product with "3 oz" was added, then upgrade it to the "6 oz" size of the same product with a discount AND if any product with "6 oz" was added, then upgrade it to the "12 oz" size of the same product with a discount.

When this offer type is chosen, then a "Variant Settings" button becomes available in the Buy Box section of the offer builder:

Clicking the button will invoke the variant settings popup where if / then logic rules can be added to control which variant will be offered (is / is not operators are available).

In the "Variant Type" field, input the name of your variant type (Size, Color, Style, etc). In the "Variant Type Value" field, one or several option values (S, M, L, XL) can be added by separating each with a comma.

Additional rules can be added as well by clicking the + button and defining additional the if/then variant logic. Up to 3 rules can be added. If multiple rules are added, then OCU will trigger them by following "AND" logic (all rules will work together):

πŸ“ The values entered must be the same exact values of your product's variant type and variant values as set in your Shopify admin's "Products" section:

Important Notes

1. Product title and Product description will be dynamically matched for the offer product, the same as registered in the merchant's store.

2. For the "Same Variant" offer option, a variant selector is not available since the same product and same variant as the trigger product will be shown.

3. A placeholder image will be displayed in the builder preview as the offer product is yet to be determined. The live offer presented to the customer will have the same image as the trigger product.

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