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Page Size Limits [Zipify Pages]

Find out about page size limits for different page types and what to do when you reach the limit

Jeff Maxfield avatar
Written by Jeff Maxfield
Updated over a week ago

Landing pages, Home Pages, Blog posts and Product Pages (Full Customization)

For Landing Pages, Home Pages, Blog Posts and "Full Customization" Product Pages there is around a 256 KB or 280,000 symbols page size limit which is 4X larger than what Shopify normally allows. That is the source code of the page, including all the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that gets added based on the page sections and content you include on your page.

If you've reached the page size limit, when you attempt to publish or update your page you will receive an error message in the builder:

"Landing Page size limit is reached"

This error message appears because you've exceeded the max size of the page allowed. We can only suggest keeping the page a little smaller by deleting some sections and/or content. Since the size limit depends on the amount of content added to the page (text, images, video, etc) and not an exact number of page sections, we can't say for sure how many sections you've added will need to be removed to be within the page size limit.

The general recommendation is to start with removing lower priority sections (typically at the bottom of the page) and then attempt to publish/update the page once again, repeating this process until the page can be successfully published/updated.

Blog Homepage and Product Pages (Partial Customization)

The Blog Homepage and "Partial Customization" Product Pages have 2 metafields - headercontent and footercontent - each of them is separated by the Posts List section and Product Section section respectively.

All sections (page content data) above the Posts List or Product Section will be recorded in the 'headercontent' metafield and sections under the the Posts List or Product Section will be recorded in the 'footercontent' metafield:

There is a 65,536 symbols limit per metafield so a total of 131,072 symbols. If you exceed either metafield's limit, when you attempt to publish or update the page you will receive the following error message in the builder:

"Something went wrong during the publish process. Please refresh and try again (Shopify error: value can't exceed 65536 characters.)"

The general recommendations to resolve the issue are the following:

1. Replace a set of sections above or below the Posts List or Product Section sections and to try re-publish the page. If the majority of section content is below the Posts List or Product Section sections for example, then try moving some section content above the Posts List or Product Section sections and attempt to re-publish or update the page.

2. For a Product page (Partial Customization), re-create a new product page, but use the "Full Customization" option instead. Using the "Existing Section" feature, you can quickly copy over all section content from the Partial Customization product page to the new Full Customization one.

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