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Page Publish Settings [Zipify Pages]

Learn how to use the Page Publish Settings for SEO optimization!

Jeff Maxfield avatar
Written by Jeff Maxfield
Updated over 6 months ago

Accessing Page Publish Settings

Once you've built your page and are ready to publish it, the page publish settings will be shown after the "Publish" button is clicked in the page builder. The publish settings consists of the following four tabs:

  • General

  • Scheduled Publish

  • Open Graph Properties

  • Facebook Pixel

๐Ÿ“ For Product Pages, only the "General" and "Facebook Pixel" tabs will be available. For product pages on Shopify, the Page title, Meta description and URL handle are all set within the "Products" section of Shopify admin. More details

The publish settings can also be access by clicking the โš™๏ธ button below the Publish button in the top-right corner of the page builder:

If there are any issues with the configuration of any page block(s), a notification will be displayed in the publish settings with information about which block(s) require additional attention prior to publishing:


In the General tab, you can edit and update key SEO optimization data about your page such as the following:

  • Zipify Page Name: The title for the page that will be shown in the Online Store > Pages section of your Shopify admin once published (Landing Page). Also listed as the "Page Name" in the Pages Table of the app's Home section.

  • Meta Title: The page title to be used for the HTML <title> tag. Enter a descriptive title. This title will display as a link in search engine results. Search engines compare the title tag with your page content to determine whether the page title matches what the page is about.

  • Meta Description: The page description to be used for the HTML <meta name="description"> tag. A meta description is a summary of up to 320 characters in length that describes the content of a web page. Search engines show it in search results when the meta description also includes the keywords being searched"

  • URL and Handle: The page handle determines the URL of the page. For example, a page with the handle "about-us" would have the url
    ๐Ÿ“ By default, whitespace in the Page Title is replaced by hyphens in the Page Handle. For example, the title "Your Page Handle" will result in the handle your-page-handle.

  • Hide from Shopify's store search: Check this checkbox to hide this page from your Shopify's store search and disallow search engine indexing.
    ๐Ÿ“Enabling this option will add the <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> HTML tag to the page's source code.

  • Zipify Tags - Apply any tag(s) (optional) for internal organization purposes for your page.

Scheduled Publish

The key to an effective content marketing strategy is consistency, and Scheduled Publishing makes it super easy to stick to a regular content plan!

Scheduled Publish functionality allows you to schedule publishing of a Page or Blog Post for a certain date/time in a particular Timezone:

This is a phenomenal feature for Zipify Pages with many use-cases. For example, you can build-out all of your Blog Posts you want added to your Blog for the rest of the quarter/year and then schedule those posts to be published later on at specific dates and times set by you.

Once you set the Timezone and Date/Time that you want the page/blog post to be published to your store, click the "Schedule Publish" button and it will be scheduled for publication!

If you need to update the schedule, just make the needed changes and then click the "Update Schedule" button instead.

It is possible to Unschedule the page at any time. Just click the "Unschedule" button in the Publish/Update popup or by toggling the "Schedule" switcher in the Pages table. Doing this will put the page in "Draft" status.

๐Ÿ“ If you've scheduled publish for a page which is already Published, then the following warning message will show prompting you to confirm the action:

Additional Notes:

  1. Publishing time should be at least "current time + 1 hour" or more.

  2. It isn't possible to set the publishing date later than 3 years from the current time/date.

  3. The "Scheduled Publish" section is disabled for the Blog Homepage.

  4. The "Publish date and time" date-picker can be minimized by clicking Esc, Space and Enter keys on a keyboard.

  5. It's not possible set a "Scheduled" page as the Homepage, to add it in a Split Test or to set it as a "ZP Page" destination for any block, since it is a page in Draft status I.e. hasn't been Published yet.

  6. The storeโ€™s timezone is used as a default value for the Timezone setting in the "Scheduled Publish" popup.

Open Graph Properties

Open Graph properties (meta tags) allow you to control what content shows up when a Landing page or Blog post is shared on Facebook and other social networks. Current fields available are: Title, Description, Image and Page URL.

โ€‹๐Ÿ“There's no ability to edit the OG properties for Product pages within the Zipify Pages app. The product page's meta title, meta description, main image and URL set for it in the "Products" section of Shopify admin will be used.

Two options for the Open Graph Properties of the page are provided:

  1. Automatic - Pulls Open Graph data from the general page information automatically and displays it in the Title, Description, Image and Page URL fields.
    โ€‹Note: If "Automatic" is chosen, then the first image at the top of the page will be used.

  2. Custom - This option allows you to manually fill in the Open Graph fields with the exact information you want used for the page instead.
    ๐Ÿ“ This option will not work correctly if the Theme Header/Footer feature is enabled for your page without additional code modification as described here.

Facebook Pixel

The setting to track/don't track the "View Content" Facebook Pixel event(s) for product(s) added via a Buy Box block(s). More details here.

๐Ÿ“This setting only affects ZP Buy Boxes added to the page, but not the Dynamic Product Section on "Full Customization" Product pages, which is being handled by Shopify.

Additional Publish Settings

To access additional publish settings, click the โš™๏ธ button located at the top-right of the builder:

In-addition to Publish Settings, the following settings are also accessible there:

  • Copy Page: Create a 1:1 copy of the page in the Pages table.

  • Unpublish: Unpublish the page and associated URL on your storefront.

  • Save as a Template: Save the page as a Template for later use on other pages, which will add it to the "My Templates" category of the page template library.

  • Share: Generate a page share link to share the page with another user or to another store with Zipify Pages installed.

  • Scan the QR code: View the page's QR code and scan it with your mobile device to view the published page on mobile.

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