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Upsell Funnels Overview [OCU]

Start here and get to know the funnels and builder!

Jeff Maxfield avatar
Written by Jeff Maxfield
Updated this week

Funnels Overview

The main goal of the OCU app is to increase your store's Average Order Value (AOV) by making relevant and targeted upsell offers to your customers that are complementary to the product(s) they've just bought. If you can get each customer to add just one extra product to their order, your AOV will skyrocket! 🚀

To get started, access the Upsell Funnels section by clicking on the "Funnels" link located in the sidebar navigation menu:

In the Funnels section of the app, you can do the following:

Adding a New Upsell Funnel

To add a new Upsell Funnel, follow the quick and easy steps below:

1. Click the "Add New Funnel" button in the top-right corner.

2. Select either the "Blank Funnel" or "Pre-built funnel" (except on Starter plan), depending on your preferences:

  • Blank funnel: Create a fully customized funnel by manually setting trigger conditions and selecting from all available offer types.

  • Pre-built funnel: Instantly launch OCU AI-generated, high conversion offers tailed to your store's unique needs.

2. Give your new funnel a unique Name. By default, your first new funnel will be named "New Funnel 1".

3. Add your "Trigger Product" conditions and the Offer(s) you'd like made.
* For more information about Trigger types and conditions, click here.

4. Click the "Publish Funnel" button once you're ready to go live!
📝After you publish your first upsell funnel, the OCU app will be automatically enabled.

Pre-built Funnel

This funnel option is available on the Unlimited plan only. The pre-built funnel will include a limited set of offers, featuring only our most effective and high-converting options:

  • Pre-purchase offer will be shown before the purchase is completed when the customer clicks the checkout button. This offer will contain up to 5 bestselling products.

  • Post-Purchase 1: Shown when the customer completes checkout, offering the same product they just bought but with a discount.

  • Post-Purchase 2: Displayed if the customer accepts the first post-purchase offer, containing an AI-recommended product.

  • Post-Downsell: Shown if the customer declines the first post-purchase offer, featuring an AI-recommended product with a higher discount.

In the Pre-built funnel popup, you can:

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to each offer type to see more details

  2. Click the "Configure Manually" button to create the pre-built funnel, but without applied discounts and in "Unpublished" state.

  3. Click the "Save and Publish" button to create the pre-built funnel with discounts applied and automatically publish it. Note that all applied discounts can be changed manually at any time in the offer builder.

Changing The Name Of Your Funnel

The Name of your upsell funnel can be changed at any time by clicking on the name at the top of the Funnel Builder, entering a new name and pressing the "Enter" key to confirm the change:

Funnel Priority

You can create multiple Upsell Funnels, and there is no limit to the number of funnels you can create or the triggers you add to each one. Customers can also add multiple different products to their cart, with each one being a trigger product for a different funnel you’ve created.

In most cases, OCU will use only one Upsell Funnel per customer order. Once you have two or more Upsell Funnels created, you can set the Priority for them. OCU uses funnel priority logic when the cart contains two or more trigger products from different funnels. If this is the case, OCU will use the trigger product associated with the funnel with the highest priority for the order.

To change the funnel priority, simply click and hold on the funnel icon to the left of the funnel and drag & drop the Upsell Funnel rows into the desired order:

In order for the funnel priority to be changed successfully, their Priority is required to be sorted in ascending order (smallest to largest) beforehand. To do that, click the "Priority" column heading to sort the funnel in ascending/descending order:

Is it possible for a customer to go through 2 different funnels?

Yes, there is a scenario where the funnel that is used for post-purchase offers can change if the customer adds your pre-purchase offer, which is also a trigger product for a different funnel with a higher priority.

Similarly, if the "Upgrade Order" pre-purchase offer is accepted which replaces the original trigger product, and that new product isn't a trigger for a funnel that has post-purchase offers, no post-purchase offers will be shown for the order.

Upsell Funnel Status

The Status column shows whether a particular upsell funnel is published/enabled or not. A published funnel works immediately on your store if the OCU app is also in an enabled state.

To publish an unpublished funnel OR to unpublish a published funnel, simply click on the Status switcher for a particular funnel:

You can do the same action from within an Upsell Funnel as well by clicking on the "Publish Funnel" or "Unpublish Funnel" button respectively:

Upsell Funnel Actions

The following Actions are available for Upsell Funnels you've created:

  • Edit Funnel: Go into the funnel to add new offers or edit existing offers. You can also do this by clicking directly on the Funnel Name.

  • Duplicate Funnel: Make an exact copy of the Upsell Funnel

  • Schedule Funnel: Set the funnel to go publish/unpublish at a specific date and time. More details

  • Archive Funnel (OCU Plus): Move an upsell funnel to a separate "Archived" section, keeping your main funnel list clean and organized. More details

  • Delete Funnel: Delete the Upsell Funnel(s) if no longer needed
    📝 You will need to confirm the delete action in the "Delete Funnel?" pop-up that is shown to complete this action.


Sometimes you may encounter errors with your Funnel configuration and/or the Offer(s) within. For example, if a product is used as an upsell offer and is not active in the Online Store sales channel in your Shopify admin.

Hover over an error icon for the funnel or an offer within the funnel dropdown to see further information about the error and how it can be fixed:

Table of Funnel errors:



How to Fix

Any trigger error in the published/unpublished funnel

This Funnel has trigger error(s).

Address the error(s) in the Triggers section of the funnel

Product offer (single) error in the published/unpublished funnel

This Funnel has an error in the Product Offer(s).

Address the error(s) in the Offers section of the funnel

Errors with trigger and product offer

This funnel has operational errors, including: • Trigger error(s) • Error(s) in the product offer(s)

Address the error(s) in both the Triggers and Offers sections of the funnel

Table of Offer errors:



How to Fix

Product is not visible in store

Offer doesn't show up because product is not visible in store

Make the product visible to the Online Store sales channel in Shopify admin

Product is out of stock

Offer doesn't show up because product is out of stock

Add stock to the product in Shopify admin or check the box for "continue selling when out of stock"

There is no "Product trigger" set when dynamic offer is created.

”Product” trigger condition is needed to use Dynamic offer

Use a "Product" trigger in the Triggers section of the funnel: Product, Product variant, Collection or Any product

Offer type has several errors (This can occur if there are split-tests in the offer or several offers in the post-purchase offer):

Offer doesn't show up because: • Product is out of stock • Product is not visible in store • ”Product” trigger condition is needed to use Dynamic offer

Address multiple errors based on the information above.

Trigger and Offer errors will be added to the funnel when a user updates a Product in Shopify admin or updates the funnel Trigger within the OCU app.

Best Practices

  • Set up individual funnels for your top sellers, collections & all products. Offer products that complement each other.

  • Offer all the upsells options for each funnel. Pre-Purchase, Post-Purchase (all of them!), TY Page and In-Checkout (Shopify Plus). Don’t leave money on the table! Showing shoppers more offers results in higher AOV.

  • Prioritize your funnels. Organize the funnels so your best sellers are on top, then your collections & finally a catch all funnel that covers all other products.

I've created my first upsell funnel, what's next?

Now that you've created a funnel, you'll want to add trigger products to it! Click here to learn more.

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