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Adding Offers Into A Funnel [OCU]

Learn how to add different offer types to your funnels!

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago

Adding a Pre-Purchase Upsell Offer

A pre-purchase upsell offer is an offer that is shown before redirecting customers to Shopify Checkout to pay for their order. It’s possible to show the pre-purchase pop-up for a funnel from different locations on your storefront:

1. On the Shopping Cart (/cart) after the customer clicks the “Checkout” button from there. It will also show after clicking the “Checkout” button included in AJAX Carts (drawer/slider) for Shopify Themes. It will redirect the customer to the Checkout page after interacting with the pre-purchase popup on the Cart Page.

📝 Not compatible with “accelerated checkout buttons“ (PayPal / ShopPay / Amazon Pay, etc) included on the Cart Page or AJAX Carts.

2. On the Product Page (/products) and/or Collection Page (/collections) after clicking the “Add to Cart“ button there. Choose this option if you want the pre-purchase pop-up to be triggered earlier on in the purchase cycle. It will redirect the customer to the Cart Page, or show your AJAX cart after interacting with the pre-purchase pop-up.

You also have the option of skipping the cart page and directing from the pop-up to the checkout by using our Skip Cart feature detailed in this article here.

📝 Not compatible with “dynamic checkout buttons“ (PayPal / ShopPay / Amazon Pay, etc) included on Product pages.

Not compatible with 3rd party product page builders with the exception of Zipify Pages! Pre-purchase offers will trigger from any Product Pages built within Zipify Pages.

To change where you want the pre-purchase pop-up to be shown, simply click the radio switcher next to the desired location:

📝If Product Page / Collection Page selected, you can choose to show the popup on the product page, the collection page, or both by checking the corresponding option boxes.

To show the Pre-Purchase offer on a Collection page on a free Shopify Theme, enable the "Quick add" > Standard option within the published theme by navigating to the Themes > Customize > Collections > Default collection > Product grid > Product card:

Pre-purchase Pop-up Offer Types

There are different types of pre-purchase upsell offers you can use:

  • Add product(s) to the cart
    • Select the product(s) manually - up to 5 products can be selected. If one product is selected, the single product layout and functionality will be used. If more than one product is selected, the multi-product offer layout and functionality will be used.
    • Same product as bought - this is a dynamic option which automatically shows the same product the customer has already added as the offer.

  • Upgrade an existing product in the cart - Replaces one unit of one product with another.
    📝If the funnel trigger type is either "Collection" or "All" and the customer adds multiple triggers to the Cart, the Upgrade product replaces the first trigger product in the Cart

  • Copy an existing offer - copy an existing pre-purchase offer from another upsell funnel.

*An example of a Pre-purchase Add a product to the cart offer shown on Mobile (left) and Desktop (right):

To add a pre-purchase offer to your funnel:

1. Click the "+ Add Upsell Offer" button within the Pre-Purchase Upsell Offer slot within the upsell funnel.

2. Choose the type of pre-purchase offer you'd like to make to your customers.

3. Select the product(s) you'd like to offer in the "Add product" popup.

4. Click the "Add" button.

5. Once the pre-purchase offer has been added to the funnel, the offer popup that your customers will see can be edited by clicking on the product card. More details about working with the pre-purchase offer popup editor can be found here in our help article.

Adding Post-Purchase Upsell and Downsell Offers into the Funnel

We recommend adding Post-Purchase Upsell 1, Post-Purchase Upsell 2, and the Downsell Offer into each funnel. This will ensure your customers will see 2 post-purchase offers for each qualifying order, regardless of whether they accept or decline Post-Purchase Upsell 1.

*An example of how the one-click post-purchase upsell offer page will be shown on Mobile (left) and Desktop (right):

To add a one-click post-purchase offer to your funnel:

1. Click the "+ Add Upsell Offer" button below the Post purchase slot within the upsell funnel:

*If you've already added Upsell 1, then choose either Downsell Offer (Optional) or Post-Purchase Upsell Offer #2 (Optional) instead.

2. In the "Create Post-Purchase Offer" popup, choose one of the following:

  • Add product(s) to the customer's order
    • Select the product(s) manually - Up to 3 products can be selected. If one product is selected, the single product offer page layout will be used. If multiple products are selected, the multi-product offer page layout will be used.
    📝If multiple products are selected, the customer will only be able to add one product featured on the page to their order.

  • Copy an existing offer - copy an existing post-purchase offer from another upsell funnel.

3. Click the "Save" button.

4. Select the product(s) you'd like to offer in the "Add product" pop-up.

5. Click the "Add" button.

6. Once the post-purchase offer has been added to the funnel, the offer page that your customers will see can be edited by clicking on the product card.
More details about working with the post-purchase offer page editor can be found here in our help article.

Repeat this process for the Post-Purchase Upsell Offer #2 and Downsell Offer slots to include all post-purchase offers within your funnel:

For upsell funnels where only digital products are added as Triggers, it's recommended to only use digital offers, since there's no ability to collect the customer's shipping information.

Adding a Thank You Page Offer

The Thank You Page offer is made directly on the Shopify "Order Confirmation" Page. This offer can be paid for using any payment method you've connected to Shopify Checkout and can also be paid for using a different payment method than the original order.

*An example of how the TY Page Offer will be shown on Desktop (left) and Mobile (right):

To add a TY Page offer to your funnel:

1. Click the "+ Add Upsell Offer" button below the Thank you page slot within the upsell funnel:

2. Choose the TY Page offer you'd like to make to your customers:

  • Create new offer

  • Copy an existing offer

3. Select the product you'd like to offer in the "Add product" popup.

4. Click the "Add" button.

5. Once the TY Page offer has been added to the funnel, you can edit the offer that your customers will see by clicking on the product card. More details about working with the TY Page Offer editor can be found here in our help article.


I can't see my product when I try to add it as an offer!

⚠️Your upsell offer product must be active/visible to the Online Store sales channel in your Shopify admin, otherwise, you cannot use it. It also must be in stock. If it’s not, you will see one of the following error messages for the product you’ve added to the funnel:

  • Product is not visible in store!

  • Product is out of stock!

Navigate to the Products section of your Shopify admin. Find and open the product. Click the "Manage" link under "Sales Channels and Apps" to make the product "Active" to the Online Store sales channel so it can be used as an upsell offer:

If you don't want your offer product to be accessible on the storefront. You can implement the workaround in steps 1-3 below, depending on how well you want the product "hidden".

The "Create a collection to control your catalog page" section shows how to replace the default "all" collection with the custom one where you can control the content. This gives you the ability to exclude some products from there (i.e. based on tag, product type, title, etc.)

So the product would be "visible" but not seen or accessible on the storefront as long as you don't include it in any collections or link to it from anywhere.

2. It would still be visible in-store search though, but you can use the information in this article to hide it from store search.

3. Going even further, you can prevent this product page from being listed on search engines like Google if desired by following the information in this Shopify help article:

Publishing & Testing Your Funnels

Now that you've added offers to your funnel, you'll want to publish the funnel so customers can start seeing offers on your store!

To do that, click the "Publish Funnel" button in the top-right corner once you're ready to go live:

After publishing your funnel, the next step is to test it and make sure everything is working! We have a help document that covers all the steps for a perfect test order in the link below:

My funnel has offers now, but I'd like to make some changes-- how do I do that?

You can adjust your funnel by activating and deactivating individual offers, changing the offer order, and more! Click here for additional details.

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